1 /++
2 Templates for binding Godot C++ classes to use from D
4 The binding generator will implement these templates for the classes in Godot's
6 +/
7 module godot.api.bind;
9 import std.meta, std.traits;
10 import std.conv : text;
12 import godot, godot.abi;
13 public import godot.refcounted;
14 import godot.api.traits;
16 /// Type to mark varargs GodotMethod.
17 struct GodotVarArgs {
19 }
21 package(godot) struct MethodHash {
22     uint hash;
23 }
25 package(godot) struct GodotName {
26     string name;
27 }
29 /++
30 Definition of a method from API JSON.
31 +/
32 struct GodotMethod(Return, Args...) {
33     GDExtensionMethodBindPtr mb; /// MethodBind for ptrcalls
34     String name; /// String name from Godot (snake_case, not always valid D)
36     static if (Args.length)
37         enum bool hasVarArgs = is(Args[$ - 1] : GodotVarArgs);
38     else
39         enum bool hasVarArgs = false;
41     /+package(godot)+/
42     void bind(in string className, in string methodName, in GDExtensionInt hash = 0) {
43         if (mb)
44             return;
45         mb = _godot_api.classdb_get_method_bind(cast(GDExtensionStringNamePtr) StringName(className), cast(GDExtensionStringNamePtr) StringName(methodName), hash);
46         name = String(methodName);
47     }
49     /+package(godot)+/
50     void bind(in GDExtensionVariantType type, in string methodName, in GDExtensionInt hash = 0) {
51         if (mb)
52             return;
53         mb = _godot_api.variant_get_ptr_builtin_method(type, cast(GDExtensionStringNamePtr) StringName(methodName), hash);
54         name = String(methodName);
55     }
56 }
58 struct GodotConstructor(Return, Args...) {
59     GDExtensionPtrConstructor mb; /// MethodBind for ptrcalls
61     /+package(godot)+/
62     void bind(in GDExtensionVariantType type, in int index) {
63         if (mb)
64             return;
65         mb = _godot_api.variant_get_ptr_constructor(type, index);
66     }
67 }
69 /++
70 Raw Method call helper
71 +/
72 Return callBuiltinMethod(Return, Args...)(in GDExtensionPtrBuiltInMethod method, GDExtensionTypePtr obj, Args args) {
73     static if (!is(Return == void))
74         Return ret = void;
75     else
76         typeof(null) ret = null;
78     import core.stdc.string;
79     memset(&ret, 0, Return.sizeof);
81     GDExtensionTypePtr[Args.length + 1] _args;
82     foreach (i, a; args) {
83         // TODO: remove this static_if hack thing once the object casts mess will be resolved
84         static if (is(typeof(a) == GodotObject))
85           _args[i] = cast(void*) a;
86         else static if (is(typeof(a) == void*))
87           _args[i] = a;
88         else
89         _args[i] = &a;
90     }
92     method(obj, _args.ptr, &ret, _args.length);
93     static if (!is(Return == void))
94         return ret;
95 }
97 //@nogc nothrow 
98 pragma(inline, true)
99 package(godot) void checkClassBinding(C)() {
100     if (!C._classBindingInitialized) {
101         initializeClassBinding!C();
102     }
103 }
105 // these have same order as in GDExtensionVariantType
106 private immutable enum coreTypes = [
107         "Nil", "Bool", "Int", "Float", "String",
109         "Vector2", "Vector2i", "Rect2", "Rect2i", "Vector3",
110         "Vector3i", "Transform2D", "Vector4", "Vector4i",
111         "Plane", "Quaternion", "AABB", "Basis", "Transform3D", "Projection",
113         "Color", "StringName", "NodePath", "RID", "Object",
114         "Callable", "Signal", "Dictionary", "Array",
116         "PackedByteArray", "PackedInt32Array", "PackedInt64Array",
117         "PackedFloat32Array",
118         "PackedFloat64Array", "PackedStringArray", "PackedVector2Array",
119         "PackedVector3Array",
120         "PackedColorArray",
121     ];
123 //@nogc nothrow 
124 pragma(inline, false)
125 package(godot) void initializeClassBinding(C)() {
126     import std.algorithm;
127     import std.string : indexOf;
129     synchronized {
130         if (!C._classBindingInitialized) {
131             static foreach (n; __traits(allMembers, C.GDExtensionClassBinding)) {
132                 static if (n == "_singleton")
133                     C.GDExtensionClassBinding._singleton = godot_object(
134                         _godot_api.global_get_singleton(
135                             cast(GDExtensionStringNamePtr) StringName(C.GDExtensionClassBinding._singletonName)));
136                 else static if (n == "_singletonName") {
137                 } else {
138                     // core types require special registration for built-in types
139                     static if (coreTypes.canFind(C._GODOT_internal_name)) {
140                         static if (isInstanceOf!(GodotConstructor, __traits(getMember, C.GDExtensionClassBinding, n))) {
141                             // binds constructor using GDExtensionVariantType and index
142                             __traits(getMember, C.GDExtensionClassBinding, n).bind(
143                                 cast(int) coreTypes.countUntil(C._GODOT_internal_name),
144                                 to!int(getUDAs!(mixin("C.GDExtensionClassBinding." ~ n), GodotName)[0].name[$ - 2 .. $ - 1]), // get last number from name in form of "_new_2"
146                             );
147                         } else {
148                             // binds native built-in method
149                             __traits(getMember, C.GDExtensionClassBinding, n).bind(
150                                 cast(int) coreTypes.countUntil(C._GODOT_internal_name),
151                                 getUDAs!(mixin("C.GDExtensionClassBinding." ~ n), GodotName)[0].name,
152                                 getUDAs!(mixin("C.GDExtensionClassBinding." ~ n), MethodHash)[0].hash,
153                             );
154                         }
155                     } else static if (C.stringof.endsWith("Singleton")) {
156                         // do nothing, let singleton load all methods on demand through getter check
157                     } else {
158                         //enum immutable(char*) cn = C._GODOT_internal_name;
159                         __traits(getMember, C.GDExtensionClassBinding, n).bind(
160                             C._GODOT_internal_name,
161                             getUDAs!(__traits(getMember, C.GDExtensionClassBinding, n), GodotName)[0].name,
162                             0 //getUDAs!(__traits(getMember, C.GDExtensionClassBinding, n), MethodHash)[0].hash,
164                         );
165                     }
166                 }
167             }
168             C._classBindingInitialized = true;
169         }
170     }
171 }
173 enum bool needsConversion(Src, Dest) = !isGodotClass!Dest && !is(Src : Dest);
175 /// temporary var if conversion is needed
176 template tempType(Src, Dest) {
177     static if (needsConversion!(Src, Dest))
178         alias tempType = Dest;
179     else
180         alias tempType = void[0];
181 }
183 /++
184 Direct pointer call through MethodBind.
185 +/
186 RefOrT!Return ptrcall(Return, MB, Args...)(MB method, in godot_object self, Args args)
187 in {
188     debug if (self.ptr is null) {
189         auto utf8 = (String("Method ") ~ method.name ~ String(" called on null reference")).utf8;
190         auto msg = cast(char[]) utf8.data[0 .. utf8.length];
191         assert(0, msg);
192     }
193 }
194 do {
195     import std.typecons;
196     import std.range : iota;
198     alias MBArgs = TemplateArgsOf!(MB)[1 .. $];
199     static assert(Args.length == MBArgs.length);
201     static if (Args.length != 0) {
202         alias _iota = aliasSeqOf!(iota(Args.length));
203         alias _tempType(size_t i) = tempType!(Args[i], MBArgs[i]);
204         const(void)*[Args.length] aarr = void;
206         Tuple!(staticMap!(_tempType, _iota)) temp = void;
207     }
208     foreach (ai, A; Args) {
209         static if (isGodotClass!A) {
210             static assert(is(Unqual!A : MBArgs[ai]) || staticIndexOf!(
211                     MBArgs[ai], GodotClass!A.GodotClass) != -1, "method" ~
212                     " argument " ~ ai.text ~ " of type " ~ A.stringof ~
213                     " does not inherit parameter type " ~ MBArgs[ai].stringof);
214             aarr[ai] = getGDExtensionObject(args[ai]).ptr;
215         } else static if (!needsConversion!(Args[ai], MBArgs[ai])) {
216             aarr[ai] = cast(const(void)*)(&args[ai]);
217         } else // needs conversion
218         {
219             static assert(is(typeof(MBArgs[ai](args[ai]))), "method" ~
220                     " argument " ~ ai.text ~ " of type " ~ A.stringof ~
221                     " cannot be converted to parameter type " ~ MBArgs[ai].stringof);
223             import std.conv : emplace;
225             emplace(&temp[ai], args[ai]);
226             aarr[ai] = cast(const(void)*)(&temp[ai]);
227         }
228     }
229     static if (!is(Return : void))
230         RefOrT!Return r = godotDefaultInit!(RefOrT!Return);
232     static if (is(Return : void))
233         alias rptr = Alias!null;
234     else
235         void* rptr = cast(void*)&r;
237     static if (Args.length == 0)
238         alias aptr = Alias!null;
239     else
240         const(void)** aptr = aarr.ptr;
242     _godot_api.object_method_bind_ptrcall(method.mb, cast(GDExtensionObjectPtr) self.ptr, aptr, rptr);
243     static if (!is(Return : void))
244         return r;
245 }
247 /++
248 Variant call, for virtual and vararg methods.
250 Forwards to `callv`, but does compile-time type check of args other than varargs.
251 +/
252 Return callv(MB, Return, Args...)(MB method, godot_object self, Args args)
253 in {
254     import std.experimental.allocator, std.experimental.allocator.mallocator;
256     debug if (self.ptr is null) {
257         CharString utf8 = (String("Method ") ~ method.name ~ String(" called on null reference"))
258             .utf8;
259         auto msg = utf8.data;
260         assert(0, msg); // leak msg; Error is unrecoverable
261     }
262 }
263 do {
264     alias MBArgs = TemplateArgsOf!(MB)[1 .. $];
266     import godot.object;
268     GodotObject o = void;
269     o._godot_object = self;
271     Array a = Array.make();
272     static if (Args.length != 0)
273         a.resize(cast(int) Args.length);
274     foreach (ai, A; Args) {
275         static if (is(MBArgs[$ - 1] : GodotVarArgs) && ai >= MBArgs.length - 1) {
276             // do nothing
277         } else {
278             static assert(ai < MBArgs.length, "Too many arguments");
279             static assert(is(A : MBArgs[ai]) || isImplicitlyConvertible!(A, MBArgs[ai]),
280                 "method" ~ " argument " ~ ai.text ~ " of type " ~ A.stringof ~
281                     " cannot be converted to parameter type " ~ MBArgs[ai].stringof);
282         }
283         a[ai] = args[ai];
284     }
286     Variant r = o.callv(method.name, a);
287     return r.as!Return;
288 }
290 package(godot)
291 mixin template baseCasts() {
292     private import godot.api.reference, godot.api.traits : RefOrT, NonRef;
294     inout(To) as(To)() inout if (isGodotBaseClass!To) {
295         static if (extends!(typeof(this), To))
296             return cast(inout) To(cast() _godot_object);
297         else static if (extends!(To, typeof(this))) {
298             if (_godot_object.ptr is null)
299                 return typeof(return).init;
300             //String c = String(To._GODOT_internal_name);
301             // HACK: string
302             if (isClass(To._GODOT_internal_name))
303                 return inout(To)(_godot_object);
304             return typeof(return).init;
305         } else
306             static assert(0, To.stringof ~ " is not polymorphic to "
307                     ~ typeof(this).stringof);
308     }
310     inout(ToRef) as(ToRef)() inout 
311             if (is(ToRef : Ref!To, To) && extends!(To, RefCounted)) {
312         import std.traits : TemplateArgsOf, Unqual;
314         ToRef ret = cast() as!(Unqual!(TemplateArgsOf!ToRef[0]));
315         return cast(inout) ret;
316     }
318     inout(To) as(To)() inout if (extendsGodotBaseClass!To) {
319         godot_object go = cast() _godot_object;
320         return cast(inout(To)) _godot_api.object_get_instance_binding(go.ptr, _GODOT_library, &_instanceCallbacks);
321     }
323     template opCast(To) if (isGodotBaseClass!To) {
324         alias opCast = as!To;
325     }
327     template opCast(To) if (extendsGodotBaseClass!To) {
328         alias opCast = as!To;
329     }
331     template opCast(ToRef) if (is(ToRef : Ref!To, To) && extends!(To, RefCounted)) {
332         alias opCast = as!ToRef;
333     }
334     // void* cast for passing this type to ptrcalls
335     package(godot) void* opCast(T : void*)() const {
336         return cast(void*) _godot_object.ptr;
337     }
338     // strip const, because the C API sometimes expects a non-const godot_object
339     godot_object opCast(T : godot_object)() const {
340         return cast(godot_object) _godot_object;
341     }
342     // implicit conversion to bool like D class references
343     bool opCast(T : bool)() const {
344         return _godot_object.ptr !is null;
345     }
346 }